Directed by Collin Schreiber
$10 gen / $5 TPS/senior/student
PWYC Industry Night: Monday, Feb 13

Find out in The Thrilling Adventures of the Famous Lewis & Clark! – a smart mouthed, fast paced, omnisciently narrated, fight-a-minute treatment of the great Northwest expedition.
Annex Theatre is bringing this crazy cacophony of blatant historical inaccuracy to its late night stage. Intrepid explorers Lewis and Clark battle not only our preconceptions, and each other, but also Spanish Conquistadores, Chinese super villains, Ninjas, Mormons, and a Dragon.
Along the way they acquire guide Sacajawea, who is surprisingly telepathic and not surprisingly gifted at poker and smarter than both explorers combined.
The Thrilling Adventures of the Famous Lewis & Clark! is written by Nick Poling and Alex DeRoest, who were inspired by early 1930’s movie serials like Zorro and Flash Gordon and adventure movies like Indiana Jones and The Adventures of Robin Hood. Rather than acts, the play is divided into three episodes, each bringing a fresh round of disaster, adventure and resolution, with all three safely contained within one evening’s entertainment.
Poling and DeRoest previously self-produced Lewis & Clark in Everett in 2011. The production thrived on positive word of mouth and played to enthusiastic houses and a sold out closing night. Annex Theatre is excited to bring this show to Seattle, feeling that its high energy and zany sensibility will be a perfect fit for a late night audience.
Lewis & Clark is directed by Collin Schreiber and features fight choreography by John W. Lynch. Schreiber is young director and college friend of Poling and DeRoest, who brings to the project a veteran’s knowledge of the material and a newcomer’s enthusiasm for the craft. Lynch has been a member of the Society of American Fight Directors for well over a decade. He’s done fight choreography for Seattle Gilbert & Sullivan Society, Renton Civic Theater, Driftwood Players, Annex and many more.
Joe Heil | Clark |
Micheal LaDell Harris | Lewis |
Lily Cohen | Sacajawea |
Geoffry Kuth | Fu Man Chu |
Chris Maxfield | Quintero |
Brenan Grant | Diego/Zorro |
Stephen Scheide | Seattle, Ensemble |
John W. Lynch | Captain Skullbeard, Ensemble |
Grace Xie | Yu, Ensemble |
Jon-Erik Hegstad | Basil Rathbone, Ensemble |
Zachary Simonson | Chief Sealth, Ensemble |
Writers | Nick Poling and Alex DeRoest |
Director | Collin Schreiber |
Stage Manager | Catherine Smith |
Properties Master | Nathaniel Porter |
Costume Design | Bethany Hightower |
Fight Choreographer | John W. Lynch |
Lighting Design | Tess Malone |