created and performed by Troy Mink | directed by K. Brian Neel
Apr 30 – May 21, 2009 | Fri-Sat at 11 pm
Industry Night: May 17 at 8pm | No Show May 7
$10 gen | $5 stu
Welcome to a very ‘spayshul’ evening with Carlotta Sue Philpott. What makes this night any more special than any other night? Is it the Vienna Sausages & Rice Crispie Treats? No, Carlotta always has those on hand… Carlotta’s good natured smile or slight gleam of mischievousness? No, Carlotta’s always had her rascally un-P.C. ways. Carlotta staying up ‘extry’ late? No… she’s been stayin’ up past dark-thirty for YEARS! What makes this evening so special is that YOU have decided to come visit… & Carlotta LOVES havin’ company & a good story to tell. So why don’t you come on over, wipe yer feet off on the door mat, plop down your BE-hind on your fancy theater seat & let Carlotta take good care of you for an evening? Plenty of laughs (& maybe even a tear) plus a hearty heapin’ helpin’ of hospitality await you when you spend “Evenings with Carlotta.”
“Southern fried genius. Mink is a true local treasure.”
-The Stranger
“Phenomenally talented… anarchic, dangerous, and fun.”
-Seattle Weekly
Tags: K. Brian Neel, Troy Mink