In 2016 after the results of the U.S. Presidential election, we provided a place for people to perform in response to events, to help people deal with the here-and-now, and to meet others who want to talk and possibly collaborate. We curated and produced a series of performances and events proposed by community artists as responses to the election. All performances were PWYC (pay-what-you-can).
If you feel our space would be a good place for people to gather, to perform, and to respond with others, we also want to provide that space. Ultimately, we want to use Annex to do what it does best. We aim to be a resource to encourage relevant art when the artists are at their most vulnerable: when they most need the encouragement and the freedom to imagine what might be, and how it might come to pass.
The original call for proposals.
We Won’t Back Down – A showcase of comedians coming from the backgrounds the President-elect has disparaged over the last year-and-a-half curated by Elliott Rose.
The Singing Revolution – The Mägi Ensemble, a women’s chamber vocal ensemble that sings music from the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, present an evening of choral music.
Water is Life: Support Standing Rock – A multidisciplinary fundraising event with a silent auction and theatrical and musical performances.
Ready Set Go! – A community resiliency event led by Emily Sershon & Casey Middaugh.
Mother Tongue Saloon – Mother Tongue shares two excerpts from a full-length work in progress and asks the question: Does political art matter?
Totally Flocked – Collaborative improvised movement, clowning, and dance set to live music curated by Corinne Magin.
RESILIENCE: Stories of Hope – A community storytelling event revolving around stories of resilience, hope and the time you fought back and won hosted by Danielle K. Gregoire.
Digestion – A cabaret response to the election curated by Javonna Arriaga.
Moonbrawl – A dance party for pissed-off feminists, nasty women, and warrior bitches looking for cathartic release hosted by Emily Sershon and Corinne Magin.