If you want to do more than see our shows, if you want to engage your imagination and get your hands dirty, there are many ways to get involved with Annex Theatre. Contact our Artistic Director at ad@annextheatre.org to chat about general opportunities with Annex! And subscribe to our newsletter to stay in touch with the company.
Volunteering allows you to contribute to the life of Annex in short-term but incredibly helpful ways. Any of these activities can earn you free tickets to see a show. You could:
- Run box office for a night – contact our Front of House Manager at boxoffice@annextheatre.org.
- Tend bar (we can help you get a bartending license!) – contact our Bar Manager at sershon@annextheatre.org.
Obviously, what we do is create theatre. We do this because we enjoy the process as much as the shows themselves. If you’d like to take part, you could:
- Act in a show – We hold auditions for every production. Join our Backstage email list above, through which you’ll be notified about upcoming auditions when they’re announced, or bookmark our Auditions landing page at bit.ly/annexauditions for info about active auditions.
- Design for a show – Every production needs a set designer, a lighting designer, a costume designer, a sound designer, and more. If you have skills in this area and would like to be considered for an upcoming show, contact our Production Management team at pms@annextheatre.org; we keep a list of potential designers and will contact you about our design needs. Let us know if there are particular upcoming shows that intrigue you and you’d like to work on.
- Join the production crew – Less visible than the actors but just as crucial are the production crew: Stage managers, technical operators, backstage crew, and often more. Aside from the stage manager, this is often a smaller commitment than acting or designing and can be an excellent way for the less experienced to learn new skills and make connections. Contact our Production Management team at pms@annextheatre.org.
If you are interested in submitting a play or proposing a production to Annex Theatre, here are the broad strokes:
Proposing a project – Every spring, Annex Theatre chooses its production slate for the following year by making a Request For Proposals (RFP) available on the website. Proposals can be for a scripted play, for a work in development, for an ensemble-generated who-knows-what, or anything else that sounds compelling and you think you can persuade the Annex Company – the body of artists and technicians who make Annex Theatre function – to produce.